The Game Festival of Córdoba started in 2006 and is organized by Jugamos Tod@s, a non-profit cultural association, in collaboration with the Diputación Provincial de Córdoba (regional administration institution of Córdoba).
The Festival takes place in the Palacio de la Merced, a historical building in the town center of the beautiful city of Córdoba.
It’s celebrated every year, the closest weekend to October 12th (a national holiday in Spain).

Patio Barroco
The aim of the Festival is to bring games to society and to spread gaming culture, thinking on game designers as a fundamental point. It is an event open to the public with free admission, in which everyone will be able to try a huge range of boardgames and participate in all the activities.
The Festival is a big event composed of smaller events. The agenda is full of activities, for families and also for boardgamers. There are games for everybody, no matter how young, old, expert or rookie they are!
And if you’re tired of sitting down, you can’t miss one of the highlights of the Festival – The giant games!

Giant Magic Maze
Every year we have the pleasure of welcoming as exhibitors excellent Spanish publishers, as well as some international ones.
They have booths and gaming tables to show their games and novelties –There are hundreds of tables filling up the space within the beautiful palace.
Visitors can also play under the celestial vault whilst enjoying Córdoba’s marvellous weather of October!

Publisher booth

Demo tables

Patio Barroco (play zone)

Patio Andaluz (play zone)

Patio del Reloj (play zone)

Events Hall (also play zone)

Patio de la Libertad (play zone)

Patio Blanco (play zone)
We want to spread the gaming culture and celebrate people who make it possible.
Each year, the Festival is dedicated to an international relevant game designer. Many important figures have been special guests in the Festival of Córdoba: Roberto Fraga, Reiner Knizia, Martin Wallace, Wolfgang Kramer, Stefan Stadler, Michael Rieneck, Dirk Henn, Antoine Bauza, Inka & Markus Brand, Michael Menzel, Matt Leaock, Bruno Faidutti, Juan Rodríguez, Haim Shafir, Sandy Petersen, etc. Karen & Andreas Seyfarth (Manhattan, Puerto Rico, Thurn und Taxis) will be the star guests in 2019.
The Festival poster and many other activities are dedicated to them.

Signing session
As a game publisher, you can participate in the Festival in many ways:
• In booths to show games
• At tables to show and play games
• Games for the public ludotheque
• Special activities sponsoring tournaments, etc.
The Festival is a meeting point for publishers, producers, designers and illustrators; many games have been born at the Festival!

Press and conference room
There is a special area for game designers named Creators Zone, dedicated to prototypes and new game designers. One of them is awarded with a place in the next Proto Lab of the Festival International des Jeux de Cannes (France).
Jugamos Tod@s also publishes some special and exclusive expansions, usually related to the special guest designer, which are released for the Festival. In 2019, we will publish a Manhattan expansion and a Puerto Rico expansion. People can get them for free, just by playing or participating in some special activities – and they are exclusive to the Festival.

Hall Norte (prototypes and novel designers zone)
There will be different announcements during the Awards Ceremony of the Festival, on Saturday morning:
- Premio JdA (Juego del Año), Game of the Year in Spain. The national JdA jury announces the award at the Festival (www.premio-jda.es).
- International Boardgame Photography Award. With thousands of pictures coming from all around the world, the finalist pictures are shown during the Festival. The final award (500 €) is announced at the awards ceremony.
Other awards: Premio JT@-Prensa (best report or journalist work about games), Premio Malacitano al juego infantil (best children game), and Premio JT@ (best Spanish game).

Awards Ceremony (public)

Award Ceremony (winners)
Pictures of the past Festivals: enjoy all of them!
To obtain more info and to contact us, please feel free to send us an email to: info@festivaldejuegoscordoba.es
The Festival of Córdoba is the best game event in the south of Europe!
Join us in our game adventure! Everybody can play!
Play you later! Or as we say in Spanish — ¡Nos jugamos!